Friday, May 21, 2021

flower rug finish

I finished a class project for rug hooking. We started it last Spring after my hubby had back surgery. I didn't start it again until this year. It is a small rug that I will use as a wall hanging - Probably  only 16 x 16 inches. Part of the class was the pattern, wool, and, then, instruction from the teacher on shading. I think we had 9 different wools for shading. Lori Cravens was the teacher. I don't like the binding part of finishing, so, at least it was small, and, I could do it at the guild meeting.

the kit

I used a homespun wool yarn for binding that my hubby spun a long time ago

ta da

This was the other color option that Betty is working on finishing.

Jan is finishing this beautiful rug

And Vivian finished this little charmer - I do like sheep


  1. Rug hooking with wool. That is a craft I haven’t tried. I did do a kit with yarn and I think they called it latch hook! Is it similar, just different material?

  2. That rug is so cool - the colors are bright and bold!!

  3. Amazing project. I've been thinking about making one.
