Tuesday, May 4, 2021

to do: find my mojo

 I am not sure where my mojo went, but, I think I know that I suffered from 'finish it 'obsession. And, I have plenty to obsess about finishing in quilting. But, if that is all I do, obsess, check lists, and worry about how much I am not doing, then, the fun is gone.

Sometimes, I just get tired of the mess. And I want to scoop it all into a large trash bag.

This time of year, I love the outdoors, but, I spend too much time "finish it" sewing. I need to remember to take time to enjoy the spring and coming summer.

Giving myself permission to not finish anything, and, just do what I want to do, has been helping me enjoy the process again slowly, but, surely.

My quilty friend Linda and I are about to tackle the same project. And, I want to give it my attention. That way, maybe I will keep up with her. She is a dynamo at moving her projects to the finish.

I've gathered fabrics and made 2 sample blocks using shirts. It is a bit complicated as a block

I am linking to:


  1. I think a great way to recover your quilting mojo is to try something new and not obsess over what needs to be finished. The Snail's Trail blocks make such a neat design!

  2. Sea Swept looks like a lovely pattern, I like your two sample blocks. The blocks are scrappy and you like scrappy, happy stitching!

  3. FYI. It looks to me as if your final triangles are in the incorrect positions. They need to be rotated, the right one to the right and the left one to the left. I mention it in case you continue and then realize they're wrong. Sorry that I don't know how to comment except as anonymous.

  4. Do what makes you feel better and also, enjoy spring outside.

  5. That block is complicated. I tried it once. Got one unit turned the wrong way and the whole thing turned into a friendship star!
    Snails gone wrong! Stay safe and sew on !

  6. Uh oh. Are you sure that last round has the color in the right place? I think you've made a misstep. Also, the center 4-patch on the right block is out of position. Focusing on the color rotation when you're assembling them should help. At least yours should all rotate in the same direction. My quilt used half rotating one way and half the other way. It's going to be a gorgeous quilt. Your points look great. Once you get the eye for the color spin it gets easier.

  7. I hope you find your mojo soon as your projects are so lovely! That block does look a bit complicated, but perhaps sewing along with a friend will result in shared tips and tricks? I think it will be a lovely quilt one day!

    Another blogger wrote how gardening time is taking away from sewing time. It's so true. However, there's something so healing about gardening.....

  8. It’s going to be stunning, but it’s seems like a complicated block! Good luck!

  9. The four-patch in the middle of the block on the right needs a quarter turn. I've made a storm at sea quilt and it was so beautiful when it was done. I gave it to my sister for her 60th birthday.

  10. I hear you on the missing mojo! I had to force myself up to my studio and just threw a quilt on the frame to just do something. Hopefully tomorrow will see a renewed desire to piece. Hope you get back on track! Thanks for linking up with To-Do!

  11. Sometimes I think you just have to mix it up a bit and remember that you really love to stitch. It's so easy to get caught up in the "have to finish" mentality and just get frustrated. HOpe you've been able to enjoy some of the nice weather and have fun with your new project.
