Monday, May 10, 2021

works in progress

What I am working on this week. I am trying to make 2 easy breezy blocks every day. I still have 70 + to go.

And if I have enough extra 1 1/2 inch squares to make a waffle stamps block, I make it in any color. Otherwise, I use the color of the month from rainbow scrap challenge at so scrappy. This month is red and I finished the red here.

I made a batch of  quilted twins free pattern called swingin checkerboard. I have another 30 - 40 to go.

I worked on rsc blocks in red for progress through the month of red and May. I want to make crumb stars this week.

I am linking:


  1. Hope the "easy breezy" blocks stay no-pressure! You'll have those boxes of squares used up in no time.

  2. Wow! that's a lot of the easy breezy blocks. I do some every once in a while. I haven't for a while so I might need to cut some more out. Good luck keeping up with them.

  3. I am just loving your Easy Breezy blocks! I'm itching to start something new even though I really, REALLY want to wrap up some UFOs first. But the scrap bins overfloweth and projects like yours are SO TEMPTING!!!

  4. Such sweet blocks and love the waffle stamp blocks.

  5. It's so much fun to see your quilts come together from your scraps. Lovely! Thanks for sharing on Wednesday Wait Loss.
