Saturday, October 19, 2019

more letters

I definitely overdid the letter quilts this year, But I have had a great time with them, and I am not done yet. I feel like all I blog about are letters. I made yellow letters....

and purple letters....

I have more blue to do.
I am slowly putting some of my quilt show purchases away. I have this bundle of homespuns. They may be not trending now, but I like them and everything comes around again.

I bought these paper pieced kaleidoscopes and all the papers printed.

For now, I will put these treasures away for someday.


  1. I like your letters - looking forward to seeing how you combine them! It's so fun to bring home treasures, too, and think about how you might use them someday!

  2. I love your letters! They're going to be very cute quilts. Those homespuns would make something lovely for the kitchen. Why wait? Have a good weekend!

  3. I love the letters. I have got to look for the book you use!

  4. The letters are very sweet, but I adore your repro Kaleidoscopes in the pinks.

  5. I'm anxiously waiting to see your letter project come together. I SEW enjoy word play quilts!

  6. I am with you on plaid wovens, there is just something about those types of fabric that is so comforting.
