Friday, October 25, 2019

Lucy's basket

My one monthly goal for October was to make a plan for 230 swap baskets I have, and decide a plan. All I needed was a plan, and, the next thing I know, I am obsessed with these scrappy baskets.

Now my big worry is that, I did the math early on for how much fabric I would need for the sashings, and I had enough. Now, I wonder if my math was wonky, and what will I do if I run out of the fabric.

I know I will have enough to do each block, but maybe not enough to sash the blocks together.
I can tell I am going to have trouble with the basket feet since the blocks were made by 3 different people. I am still going to love it in any case. I love seeing each fabric as I put the blocks together.

I am linking to:


  1. Fingers crossed you will have enough fabric - it is going to be beautiful. the fabrics for the baskets are all so cool - thanks for linking to Finished (or not) friday ;-)

  2. This is going to be a lovely quilt. If you run out of the fabric you're using, I'm sure you'll find an acceptable substitute in your stash. Happy Stitching!

  3. That's going to be one pretty quilt. Crossing my fingers you have enough fabric!

  4. You got a great start on getting these blocks into a finished flimsy. Fingers crossed that you have enough fabric!

  5. Those baskets are all so adorable! They are going to make a great quilt. Thanks for sharing with Oh Scrap!
