Wednesday, October 23, 2019

wonky star

My goal was to make the tiny tuesday block called wonky stars. Each block finishes at 4 inches, so the scraps do not have to be very big. I searched through my little scraps for pink star points.

Each star point block is sewn free form and can be wonky. That is a fun way to sew. - no pressure

I webbed the rows together in a 9 patch kind of way.

And set on the diagonal for the tiny tuesday sampler.

I am linking to:


  1. Hi Maggie! What a lovely star and a fun way to sew it. It sure looks nice against that gray hashtag background, too. ~smile~ Roseanne

  2. Love your star, especially in pink!

  3. I loved making the wonky stars... so fun and using up so many scraps!

  4. Cute! The wonky stars are fun to make - you never know quite how they're going to turn out!

  5. Love your wonky star! So fun to make those.

  6. Too cute! Thanks for sharing with Oh Scrap!
