Friday, February 28, 2020

sand castle finish

I am not getting the comments in my email. I wonder if blogger is having a problem. I am sorry if I am not responding to comments. I think I may have fixed it.

I started sand castles early last year and have tried to stick to it until it is finished. It was a massive project to cut and sew 3648 pieces and a bunch of strings together, and, more importantly, to keep me on the same project.

It finishes at 80 x 80 and used 20 1/4 yards of fabric.

Funny story: Cleaning up around my treadle in the living room, and I found this bunch of green sets for the sand castle quilt. It couldn't be, then, I looked at the quilt and sure enough there is only one green in the whole quilt. sigh.... I wondered why I had to cut more sets at the end. Is there anybody working on this that could use a few green sets? I can send them to you.

I'm linking to:

This was part of my One monthly goal for February and my goals for PHD 2020


  1. good lord that is a lot of fabric how did you go about measuring that to get that amount? It is a lovely quilt.

  2. I love your quilt! All the colors pop into the neutral background, beautiful!

  3. Maggie, that is just beautiful! Pretty funny about those green pieces, though. I didn't even notice there wasn't much green in Sandcastles until you mentioned it.

  4. I'll take those green extras if you are willing to send them to Canada?

  5. Ooo,that is a beauty AND you finished it!! YAY! Too many little parts for me.

  6. Hi Maggie! WOWEE - 3648 pieces. Holy moly, that is a LOT of pieces and true dedication to get this complete. Perfect quilting design to give this some movement, and that snow actually looks like sand unless you know better. I can't believe you just found that pile of green fabrics!! Too funny. Thank you so much for linking up with TGIFF today. ~smile~ Roseanne

  7. Why not just make them into a St Patricks Day wall hanging? Love the finish!!

  8. Fabulous finish (and a funny story, too!!)

  9. Wow - that is a marvelous quilt. So many pieces!

  10. Congratulations on this gorgeous finish! Since the green block is in the middle it makes it even more special. I love it. I might do this quilt one day but not soon enough to accept your generous offer. Good luck with that. ;^)

  11. Amazing finish! So many pieces! You gotta feel good about getting this one off your plate?!

  12. What a beautiful finish!!! Why not make a pillow with your leftovers - it would be cool next to the quilt!

  13. Lovely. Thanks for linking up with Elm Street Quilts One Monthly Goal and congrats on your finish!

  14. Beautiful finish. I just picked up that book last week. I am trying to decide what quilt to make. Thanks for sharing your lovely finish with Oh Scrap!

  15. That’s a lot of fabric used up on one quilt! I really like it. Congrats for sticking with it.

  16. That is a funny story. I know I've lost fabric/blocks/directions to projects in the works. Way to make more blocks to get this one done. It's a beauty!
