Thursday, February 20, 2020


It has been awhile since I have had this project out to work on making progress. Since it had been so long, I was planning to send it to the project closet and ufo official status. But, I wanted to see where I stand and maybe make notes.

I have 44 blocks finished and need at least 48, but, I have more cut. I'm afraid if I put it away, I won't remember how I want to make the quilt. Florabunda is a free pattern on quiltville.

I am linking to:
Oh scrap


  1. great job! don't you love using up the scraps

  2. This is too close to go to the project closet, especially with more blocks already cut out and waiting! Make one a week and you will have enough in no time.

  3. It's hard to decide when to put something away or to just get it done. Especially when you want to play with new things.

  4. What pretty blocks! I really like the pattern and love your color choices.
    I've put projects away and completely forgotten where I was going with them - lol!

  5. I've always loved this pattern, but have yet to make it. Looking forward to seeing your Floribunda come together!

  6. Those are really pretty blocks! I like the one with the darker blue especially!

  7. You are so close! Finish up the blocks so you have space to start something new :)

    Thanks for linking up with Oh Scrap!

  8. Ooh! So close on having all the blocks! Such cheery blocks.

    Thanks for linking up to Creative Compulsions!
