Monday, February 24, 2020

frolic rows

My husband was scheduled to have back surgery today, but his cardiologist wanted to do a heart cath first, so the back surgery was cancelled. What a disappointment. But, we will still be visiting the hospital for the heart cath, and see what road that takes us down.

Friday group met, and I worked a little bit on rows for frolic mystery quilt. There is a lot of pinning involved in piecing these together.

And, there was no mention in the directions about joining the sashings together with the navy 1 1/2 inch square we cut earlier in clue 9. I had to scan the photos to see it.

I am linking:


  1. hope all goes well with your hubby. The quilt is looking good

  2. Looking good. Did you make enough blocks for the full quilt or did you size it down?

  3. Hope for good heart cath for husband, and then back surgery. Tough year for him ahead, but the doctors are fantastic, and he will have a great nurse (you). The mystery quilt looks complicated this year, but it always looks great when it is all assembled. Good luck with yours, Judy
