Monday, February 17, 2020

frolic 1/2 blocks

Yesterday I had some great comments and my hand spazzed and I hit delete. Is there a way in blogger to find them?

Ok, I think I have made it to the assembly stage of frolic mystery quilt. I think I can relax and set it aside for a bit. I could use the break for my brain. And it will be fun to think about other projects. I have had an Editya Sitar brand new quilt kit I have wanted to make since last fall. I keep postponing it for lack of brain power. And I need to finish a Granddaughter quilt. These are the half blocks and quarter blocks for frolic.

I have the sashings ready to sash.

I am linking:


  1. looks like progress! my blog is not on blogger so can't help you there I hope someone can. It will be nice to see your blocks finished I'm sure -

  2. It took a while for me to comprehend how to assemble the half blocks. Once I got the hang of it they went together easily. Persistence pays off with this one!

  3. They're looking good! I can see taking a break tho!

  4. Looking great. Bonnies quilts slways have so many pieces hee hee

  5. It does take a bit of brain power to get it together. But it will be stunning.

  6. Those Frolic blocks are pretty brain intensive. Congrats on making it to the assembly stage.
