Wednesday, February 5, 2020


Yesterday, I shared about digging through triangles, to find candidates for the shoofly block. It has helped increase my shoofly blocks in number. So has making blocks for frolic mystery quilt. While I am piecing a frolic block, I can get 3 shoofly blocks finished.

I have decided I am not spending a lot of time on pressing these until, I know how they will join together. That way I can be sure seams will nest. Shoofly is a free pattern at for this year's leader/ ender challenge. They finish at 4 inches, I think.

The point of a leader ender challenge is to have something ready to feed through the machine before or after whatever is the actual project. These are a little more challenging in that to keep the sets together, I feel like I have to chain the whole block. I am using small waste triangles and can't always get a set for the corners, but I think they are still charming.

I am linking:


  1. what a variety you are using for the scrappy quilt

  2. I have always loved the shoofly block but I have never made them. I might just have to make a few. Thanks for linking up with Oh Scrap!
