Friday, February 7, 2020

frolic block

Finally, I can see how a frolic mystery quilt block looks in my fabrics. It is a very involved  block.

I have made a couple of them, trying to get a rhythm going. I am very concerned that I am going to twist or turn something.

These are not done quickly. So, I will be at this awhile.
In other news, I have started rug hooking my snow man rug again.
The snowmen are so cute. I am trying to hook at least one wool string everyday. It's doable.

I am linking to:


  1. It would be so easy to mess this block up! Even being very careful doesn't always work!

  2. Your Frolic blocks are looking good! It does sound like a bl9ck to take your time with!

  3. I wish I had used background behind my pinwheels instead of the aqua! I love yours, they pop.

  4. YAy!!! The blocks look so great!! Thanks for adding your link to finished or not finished Friday - I love seeing the things you make!
