Thursday, March 18, 2021


Sometimes, I forget to show the slow progress of some on going projects. I have sew days that don't seem to make any dents in the quilt making process. But, I know they do. And that has to be enough.

I am still hunting for old projects as I am trying to reorganize and label boxes, it consumes me. I have been very creative at storage, I must say.

Maple syrup is done. Hubby has it all put away for another year. It was my first year to trek around the trees and help with the buckets of sap, I enjoyed it cold and all. I usually just watch and make the pancakes.


easy breezy

anvil with shirts

I am linking to:


  1. Organizing projects is tedious work, and often not seen. But keep at it!

  2. The syrup is going to taste so good, we eat our syrup on waffles. I buy local syrup for us to eat. The easy breezy blocks and anvil blocks look nice, happy stitching!

  3. Yum, maple syrup! I really like your pink and dark easy breezy. I might have to copy those colors! The bigger question is how many easy breezy are enough easy breezy?

  4. Organizing is tedious but oh so needed! You'll reap its benefits soon I'm sure. In the meantime, you are still making progress on your projects. Kudos to you! Thanks for sharing on Wednesday Wait Loss.
