Tuesday, March 9, 2021

to do: sew off book

I have been trying to stick to just my projects that are goals for the month. But, every now and again, I just need to sew a block for any other project.  I am using recycled shirts to sew these anvil blocks. Since I am still cutting for this shirt quilt, the box is near my machine. I pass by them on my way to sew, and I just needed to make a few.

other anvil blocks here

We are still collecting sap from our maple trees. This may be the last week. It isn't getting below freezing at night, which is needed for the sap to be sweet.

We collect it in a big plastic bucket that we move in a wheelbarrow. It is clear from the tree and turns brown as the liquid is boiled off the sap.

We use roasters to boil it down in our garage. We have three going at the same time. It really smells yummy in our garage. 


  1. Fun to learn about collecting sap from your trees! Someday, I want to see that! A trip to the northeast is on my bucket list!

  2. I have always wanted to make our own maple syrup but we only have a few on our property. Super-jealous.

  3. I love the anvil block idea. Great way to salvage fabric from old shirts.

  4. Hi Maggie! Oh man, I can just imagine how wonderful your garage smells. It makes my stomach growl just thinking about it! I love your Anvil blocks, especially those on the bottom. They look like red and green stripes but that might be an illusion. ~smile~ Roseanne

  5. Sometimes you have to mix it up a bit and play with something new.

  6. Sometimes you just gotta do something different! Oh, I can almost smell your syrup!!! Or maybe that's the maple melts I use around the house. LOL!

  7. Oh my yes I'm sure that smells divine! How wonderful that you make your own maple syrup. Love those Anvil blocks. No wonder they called to you. Thanks for sharing on Wednesday Wait Loss.

  8. I did syrup when I was growing up in Michigan! Our Germain neighbors even had a sugar shack in the woods with a massive pot for boiling down the sap!
    Stay safe and sew on !
