Tuesday, March 2, 2021

to do: one monthly goal

 It's a new month with new possibilities. The rainbow scrap challenge at so scrappys color for March is green. I have an older ufo in green that I want to complete for the month. This was one of my first EPPs. I remember starting it on the plane coming home from visiting my daughter several years ago. I knew I would be sad to leave her, so I picked something to do. I haven't worked on it in a long time. I wanted to make it bigger, but, now, I just want to finish it.

Another ufo I have, is a Christmas quilt with green, that I want to work on for the month to see how far I can get it before March 31. I think it is mostly cut out and ready to sew. I haven't sewn anything, yet.

I missed the table topper challenge for February. so I want to start early for the green of march with a kit I have had for a few years.... If I can understand the instructions. It uses a " squedge " template.


  1. Love all the projects!!! I have that ruler, and that runner looks amazing! What's the name of the pattern?

  2. Your table runner ufo looks challenging but it will be gorgeous! Good luck!

  3. That table runner pattern looks super interesting. It's like a puzzle to work out! Love your EPP project. So pretty.

  4. That table topper is going to be amazing. That template looks interesting; I'm going to have to go look it up.

  5. Nice post thank you Melinda
