Saturday, July 15, 2017

paper foundation and blue

A few more blue maple leaves for the rainbow scrap challenge in July.

I have Streak, a string quilt on the long arm frame. Everything is ready to go, thread chosen, basted down, and bobbins wound. Everything except the decision of how I want to quilt it. There has been a trend in the quilting world -quilting that most are calling organic lines. I like it when I see it on other quilts, but I am not sure I want to do it. But if I am going to do it, this would be a good candidate for it. Most of the quilts I am seeing the lines are very close. I don't want lines very close, and I don't know if it would look as "cool" spaced wider. So I am deciding.

For my new Saturday string project, I started with 3 1/2 inch by length of  phone book pages and a 45 degree ruler. To cut my strips I used a paper cutter from my scrapbooking days.

I lined up the 3 1/2 inch on the top and the bottom edge on the bottom and cut the angle with my rotary cutter.

Then to cut the other side, I turned it around.

I needed to line the 3 1/2 cut line and angle on the left and cut the angle again.

I decided to cut 100 diamonds and string piece them. I am hoping to make stars. At first I thought about piecing the fabric and then cutting the diamond from the fabric. But after a few samples, I enjoyed using the paper foundation. It used alot of small pieces of scraps.

I am linking to
 SewCan She

rsc17 super saturday


  1. Organic wavy lines are a great choice for your Streak quilt and they can be any width apart that you want. The really close lines are often called matchstick quilting and if they are straight lines, they're usually done on a long arm with channel locks (or someone very patient using a ruler). I like the slightly wavy lines about an inch apart on mine.

  2. You are working on a nice variety of projects. BLUE in each one. Good luck with your quilting! I'm about to load a quilt on the frame, too. Such a challenge to choose the quilting design!

  3. Your new string blocks are going to make a really fun project! I'm looking forward to seeing those stars!

  4. Love the soft blue leaves. Your string blocks are going to be very fun.
