Friday, July 14, 2017

Progress is progress

I fussy cut and pieced the next four border pieces for Mill Girls. I measured and measured and measured. I am so afraid I will cut these next pieces and make a mistake and not have enough fabric to finish. These borders are to be mitered sigh.....

 I tried 3 glitter blocks (a design by Jen Kingwell). I am getting better at piecing them with each one I make. I am using scraps from the estate sale, oldies but goodies.The quilt is big enough that I can sneak in some uglies. Maybe I will learn to love those pesky y seams.

I have made several box kite blocks ( Bonnie Hunter). Most of the prints, I cut for two . But with 120 blocks, I don't think anyone will notice. These are really easy to assemble in 9 patch style. And so cute! The bottom right fabric is a vintage piece, only 36 inches wide. I think it will fit right in with the others.

I am linking to:
Finished or Not Fridays   
Whoop Whoop

crazy mom quilts

Confessions Of A Fabric Addict


  1. You did an amazing job on those borders. I'll keep my fingers and toes crossed for you that they fit. I really like the glitter blocks and the kite box blocks. Great ways to use up scraps. Have a great weekend! --Andrea

  2. Fussy cutting borders is never fun. Fingers crossed that it all goes together smoothly for you.
