Wednesday, July 5, 2017

Rail fence?

I needed to cut setting triangles and make 4 patches for month 9 of Mill girls. I think cutting is the most stressful part of a block of the month. There is just so much fabric, and if I make a mistake....

I love the fabric. This is really my first quilt using civil war reproduction fabrics.

Now I can move on to month 10 and the finishing.
 I happened to notice that Bonnie Hunter has announced the new leader/ ender challenge for the next year. She had been hinting for awhile that it would be rail fence. The wise thing would be to just finish the rail fence I started a few years ago.... but I want to make something new:)

my picket fences is ready to add the borders. It isn't on my ufo list for this year, but I could add it....

But I have also a few other ideas that I have pinned to pinterest. It will be so hard to choose. And I almost always want to do whatever Bonnie is doing -just to try.  What will you be doing?

I am linking to:
Midweek Makers
Jo's Country Junction UFO
Bee Social
Silly Mama WIP

WIPs with friends


  1. Hi Maggie,
    Thanks for the heads up on Bonnie's hints. I am working on a fence rail queen size quilt right now! I have about 25 of the 163 blocks needed finished, so it will be a while before it is complete. HAHA! Ooh, you are so close to the finishing touches on that Mill girls quilt. Can't wait to see it complete. ~smile~ Roseanne

  2. I liked that she combines it with 4 patches this time. Double the fun
    Leaders and Enders. My 1st real quilt from purchansed fabrics was a Rail fence.

  3. Your Mill Girls blocks looks so nice. This will be a lovely quilt. I'm thinking of joining Bonnie's rail fence L & E this year but I won't be making the checkerboard part. I want to get rid of strips and I don't want to put more work into it than necessary.

  4. The fabrics in Mill Girls is gorgeous. I'm not usually one for Civil War reproductions, but the patterns on those really are striking. Good luck with all your plans. I'm probably going to pass on Bonnie's leaders and enders this year, but look forward to seeing what everyone else ends up making.

  5. Easy and great looking too! Thanks for sharing on Midweek Makers!
