I started hunter's star this year as a rainbow scrap challenge at so scrappy. Each month, I cut the pieces in the color of the month. When I started, it was new to me, so, I was just going to cut this year, and sew next year, according to the colors as they are announced. But, I couldn't stop after cutting. I have pieced all the months to this point this year. They are just so fun.
Wednesday, August 31, 2022
hunter star
Monday, August 29, 2022
rhododendron mystery progress
I have been working on the easy short rows of the rhododendron mystery. I have the top left 3 rows together. And, now, the bottom right 2 rows together.
Saturday, August 27, 2022
hole in my scraps
I am barely finishing these hole in the barn blocks for the month of August and the rainbow scrap challenge at so scrappy.
I think I have nearly all of them that I need for the quilt.
I have a few zipper blocks ready to go. I just don't have many orange scraps. I like orange in quilts, but it isn't an often used color.
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still canning from the garden |
Wednesday, August 24, 2022
mystery quilt
I am finally plugging along on the missing rhododendron mystery quilt. I am still not sure I have the hourglass blocks turned right. So far. it is fitting together pretty well. I can still see some staining, but, the worse parts are gone. The staining effected the setting triangles the most. I soaked them in a solution of dawn dish soap and a color catcher in my kitchen sink, just to see if it was going to work. I made sure they were not touching each other. I swished the water around them gently from time to time. It took about an hour, and then, I could see a difference. I spent the day getting them soaked. I did use the spin cycle in my washing machine to wring them out, and I hung them to dry.
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I added row 3 |
Monday, August 22, 2022
5 quilts August 22, 2022
1. Rainbow scrap challenge - orange- playing catch up on my star and crown blocks in purple. I don't think I will be making any of these blocks for the orange month, although, I haven't looked in my stash. There may be a cheddar or a smokey orange. We will see.
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2. rhododendren mystery - hunter - I have found the blocks. But that is another story here. I soaked and washed the stained blocks, and, I have started with the short rows. I am having a hard time with the directional blocks.
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it's a beginning |
3. Boho heart -Nothing new here. I am at a part that intimidates me. I can't just pick up something and quickly sew it together, so I procrastinate.
4. maple leaves - I found a fabric I liked for another border, but, there wasn't enough for a big border. I found a back, and, I am looking for the binding fabric.
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yellow is always a good choice |
5. fair and square -The top is pieced and ready for borders. The borders are made with 2 inch squares. I have 2 borders almost pieced. I will add to them after I add the inner border.
MY next on the longarm of my own quilts in the 'to be quilted' closet.
1. EPP green - need back and binding - ironed - frame - changed my mind
customer quilt time pause
2. lotus flower? I don't remember this -my notes say it is in the upstairs
customer quilt time pause
3. blue ridge beauty - This month's one monthly goal so I better get to this one this month.
4. scrappy twirl
5. ugly I spy
Sunday, August 21, 2022
stash report August 14, 2022
I have added a few more charm packs.... just because
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Stash report August 14, 2022
fabric used year to date: 170 3/4 yards
90 yards used more than bought.
I sewed 3 days last week.
I have a little more done on my witch rug which I started here in March. I have started on the moon of my witch rug - spooky
scaredy cat |
I am linking to:
Saturday, August 20, 2022
I have orange cream candy ready for the rainbow scrap challenge at so scrappy. They look yummy. I think I am nearly done with these blocks. I still need a bit of licorice and chocolate. I have certainly enjoyed making these this year, and I had PLENTY of strings I needed to use. I am looking for a string project for next year or maybe 100.
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He jumped the fence |
Friday, August 19, 2022
english paper piecing
I was able to trim and add borders to my English paper piecing project at open sew, except the upper left hand corner that was not complete with the diamond EPP shapes. I was technically missing 3. I would have to add them at home. sigh..... I have tried to make this a goal for 3 months, now. I think not knowing how I wanted to finish it was the reason it stalled.- getting closer
I started ( 2009) English paper piecing with this quilt. I was sure I didn't want to do hexagons ( what did I know?) And this seemed simple enough to be a starter project.
Wednesday, August 17, 2022
fair and square
Sometimes progress just takes time. A little bit here and there makes a difference over time. I have to remind myself of that often, as I grow impatient. I pressed and trimmed fair and square. And, I cut and added the black inner border. I had hoped to get the final border on the quilt, but, it didn't fit. That will be the next little bit of time I can find. I think it looks great. The end is in sight.
Monday, August 15, 2022
moving projects
It is time to say - see you later- to an old friend. I am retiring this project to the the UFO closet. I have enough pieces cut, I think, but, all shirts go well together. I was hoping for 80 blocks and I have 52 finished. I need to concentrate on some "other" languishing projects to get a bit of organization and less chaos. I want to move some projects out of easy to reach areas and spread out my current projects. I keep misplacing parts and pieces and really need to clean up and assess where I am. So, anvil is moving to the closet. I like sewing it.
Saturday, August 13, 2022
Pretty orange blossom time blocks are finished here for the rainbow scrap challenge at so scrappy. I have had to cut and make more parts for these cuties. I ran out of stems and 4 patches. I think I am closing in on the goal for this quilt. I think I have 128 out of 140 needed. I may just go rogue and finish up with oddball fabrics I find laying around.
Friday, August 12, 2022
quilt hit list
I am frustrated with the scrap piles again. A little bit here and a little bit there, can really add up over time. I have let a lot of time pass since the last time I have been sitting to cut scraps. I dumped all the bits into a container, and started cutting. This time, I made a hit list. I have several projects, that I still need pieces cut to finish. When I pick up a scrap, I check to see if I could use the color in any of the projects. If so, I start cutting the sizes I need. If there is anything leftover, I cut the usual sizes, 3 1/2, 2 1/2, 2, 1 1/2 and so on. So far, There isn't much I can't use in the hit list quilts. I enjoyed the process and we will see if it confuses me too much LOL
Wednesday, August 10, 2022
blocks found
My Granddaughter was here for a visit and decided to reorganize my extra room. I had no idea what she was doing, until it was too late. I use that room for a holding cell of blocks ready to make into tops and tops ready to be quilted, and unfortunately, as storage for whatever I don't know where to home them. I knew that this little set back, for me, was probably the reason I had lost my rhododendron mystery blocks. This week, when it was raining, I asked my hubby to accompany me to that room and make a serious search for those missing blocks since it was a "mystery" haHA. He was dear enough to do that. And there was no way to work in the garden. His job was to work from one end of the room putting like stuff together, and hunt for any blocks that might show up. I started sorting at the other end. I finally needed a rest and sat in the middle of the floor.
We were about to give up, then, I saw a corner of my blocks peeking out of a basket. It was buried in a container with scraps on the bottom, my blocks, and scraps on the top, and two pillow forms on top of that. It was back behind my ironing board, which I can never reach. But, they were hoping I would save them. Happy dance all around.
Did I mention a freak rain with crazy wind and rain? well, I noticed everything in the basket was wet. yes, wet. We looked up and there was a new leak in the ceiling and staining my blocks and the reds were running. sigh. On the plus side, we wouldn't have known about the leak, if, we hadn't been looking for the blocks.
So, if I wash them, they will shrink and not match the unstained blocks. If I just make the top and wash it, the stains may not come out, and I will have wasted the whole process. I will have to think about this for a bit for sure. Here are the pictures of the weird cloud/ front coming over our barn from the north to the south. It was fascinating until it leaked on my blocks.
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strange |
Monday, August 8, 2022
bow tie
Bow tie blocks were the 2011 quiltville mystery leader/ ender challenge, and Bonnie's first. She did hers with cheddar fabric, I believe. I wanted something a little brighter. At the time, I had a bunch of scraps that were polka dots, and so, it began. With the 2022 announcement, I realized I didn't have a great finishing success record. I think 2 out of 12. But, I started all of them. I decided to try finishing one this year instead of starting a new one...... so far. It was an easy choice, start with number one. Remembering my plans is the hard part. And my notes are cryptic, even mysterious. I have 200 + made and I need a few more. Once I went down this rabbit hole, I remembered that they are a lot of fun to make, really. Mine are finishing at 3 1/2 inch squarish. I am hoping for a top this year.
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and an easy breezy to boot |
In the center of this bed are my beets. And they are doing very well. To the right is swiss chard (yummy), and, to the left, is green beans that are actually purple. I have grown beets before, but, usually, we don't get a good harvest. I think this one will be great.
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I am linking:
Sunday, August 7, 2022
Stash report August 7, 2022
Missourri star had batik 10 squares that I liked the colors. But what I really needed were the sewing machine needles.
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Stash report August 7, 2022
fabric used year to date: 134 3/4 yards
57 yards used more than bought.
I sewed 4 days last week.
I have a little more done on my witch rug which I started here in March. I dyed the wool for the creepy moon background for my witch rug. I am excited to hook the moon next.
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red vein and green vein varieties |