Wednesday, August 31, 2022

hunter star

I started hunter's star this year as a rainbow scrap challenge at so scrappy. Each month, I cut the pieces in the color of the month. When I started, it was new to me, so, I was just going to cut this year, and sew next year, according to the colors as they are announced. But, I couldn't stop after cutting. I have pieced all the months to this point this year. They are just so fun.

Since, I want them all scrappy, it was a few months before I had a variety of colors, to ( I just had to try) sew them into blocks.

I am thrilled with how it looks. I have already been poking around on my rainbow projects list to see what I want to do next year. I am not sure this will be a rsc quilt for next year as planned. I think it will drift off to the UFO vacation closet for a spa day.

We have collected swiss chard and lemon grass from the garden. Hubby likes lemon grass in his herbal tea. We will dehydrate some of the swiss chard for later. 

I  am linking to:


  1. I love your hunter star, wow!!! I have swiss chard in the garden that did great this year, you're dehydrating? What do you use it for after that? I'm with the hubs, lemon grass is great in tea!

  2. I agree; Hunters star is a fun block. It looks so lovely in all the colors of a rainbow. Thanks for sharing on Wednesday Wait Loss.
