Saturday, August 13, 2022


Pretty orange blossom time blocks are finished here for the  rainbow scrap challenge at so scrappy.  I have had to cut and make more parts for these cuties. I ran out of stems and 4 patches. I think I am closing in on the goal for this quilt. I think I have 128 out of 140 needed.  I may just go rogue and finish up with oddball fabrics I find laying around.

I harvested chocolate mint, since the dehydrator is empty. It is not my favorite herb tea - I like spearmint the best - but, it smells so yummy. I may make a flavoring extract with it. It can only add to chocolate chip cookies or cake - not that I would ever eat any of those unhealthy things. haha

choc mint


  1. What pretty tulips. They will make a lovely quilt.

  2. Your orange blossoms are so pretty. xx

  3. Your orange blossoms are so pretty. xx

  4. Pretty blossom time blocks. Nothing wrong with adding some rogue blocks to the mix. I've never heard of that chocolate flavoured mint, sounds interesting.

  5. I planted chocolate mint for the first time this year. I kept it totally away from the other mints. I can only smell a tiny hint of chocolate. I have not dehydrated any yet, but I guess it's time.

    Lovely quilt blocks! ~~ Kathy S.

  6. That chocolate mint must smell divine! I like your idea of making it an extract. Lovely tulip blocks. Thanks for sharing on Wednesday Wait Loss.

  7. I luv your tulip blocks,choc.mibt smells so good but I never know what to do with it
