Monday, August 15, 2022

moving projects

It is time to say - see you later- to an old friend. I am retiring this project to the the UFO closet. I have enough pieces cut, I think, but, all shirts go well together. I was hoping for 80 blocks and I have 52 finished. I need to concentrate on some "other" languishing projects to get a bit of organization and less chaos. I  want to move some projects out of easy to reach areas and spread out my current projects. I keep misplacing parts and pieces and really need to clean up and assess where I am. So, anvil is moving to the closet. I like sewing it.

And, this project is moving to the empty drawer after moving anvil. It has been on a tray all year as I am working on this project as part of the rainbow scrap challenge at so scrappy. But is is hard to keep organized on a tray anymore.

blossom time

neat and tidy

It looks like a mess, but, our beans are a new variety growing on a trellis, and, they are doing well, and, so is the squash that is taking over the garden, paths and all. In front of the raised bed are peppers.

I am linking:


  1. The plaid blocks are really terrific looking. And of course I love your tulips. My Tulip quilt is in the hands of a long arm quilter right now. Took 2 years to make enough blocks via RSC to make a queen sized quilt, so I’m very excited to have it so close to done. - - Sara F

  2. Sometimes you just have to divide and conquer. I need to take your lead and put some of my mess in "time-out"!

  3. You are smart to move along a project, I need to do that, kind of messy in my space right now and hard to remember what I was doing! Wow your garden looks fantastic. Are your beans scarlet runner beans?
    Thank you for joining with us at To Do Tuesday!

  4. We have a huge garden and so many times I've let the pumpkins and gourds take over the entire thing! Have cut back so much on it all tho, and I miss that "Land of the Lost" as we called it.

  5. Sad a bit to see the Anvil blocks go away, but the Tulip needed more room so that's how it goes! I agree that having enough room for the projects you are trying to finish is essential (I lose things too!) Thanks for sharing on Wednesday Wait Loss.
