Wednesday, August 3, 2022

wedding ring block

I started this wedding ring, or crown and thorns, with a bag of scraps here. I have mostly worked on them as recreational sewing from time to time. I think it is time to put them into the ufo closet and give them a break. I have 20 squares and I would like to have 30.  I need to find other scraps and cut, to be able to go on with this quilt. That is more than recreational sewing. I have other quilts I am committed to finishing, and a garden harvest coming to picking time. So, off it will go to the black hole of ufos. I can't be sad about it. I have enjoyed every minute I have worked on it, and there is a small chance it may see the light of day again. I am not dead yet. LOL

wedding ring

We waited a day too late on the cabbage. But they will still taste yummy. We had 4 this year that we kept covered so that the moths wouldn't eat them. Hubby left them on the back porch and the critters liked that idea. We thought we planted 8, but the other 4 grew white heads and tasted like cauliflower. LOL

um -stop that thief


  1. I love those blocks! If you were me, I wouldn't put them in the drawer, I'd finish piecing the rest of the blocks then put them in the drawer until winter. Happy stitching!

  2. So sorry about the cabbage! Looks like you did get some harvest and that's good. Love your blocks. So pretty. Thanks for sharing on Wednesday Wait Loss.
