Wednesday, August 17, 2022

fair and square

Sometimes progress just takes time. A little bit here and there makes a difference over time. I have to remind myself of that often, as I grow impatient. I pressed and trimmed fair and square. And, I cut and added the black inner border. I had hoped to get the final border on the quilt, but, it didn't fit. That will be the next little bit of time I can find. I think it looks great. The end is in sight.

It has been harvest season for our little garden. The tomatoes are starting to ripen and a BLT sandwich is something I look forward to every summer. yum ! We canned a few for the winter.


  1. You're right that a little at a time gets it done! I really love this top and can't wait for the finish! What a beauty. Thanks for sharing on Wednesday Wait Loss.

  2. I love your fair & square! I look forward to viewing the finish, happy stitching!

  3. Your Fair and Square looks great! True that a little time does make for progress in the long run. --TerryK@OngoingProjects

  4. Loving your fair and square quilt. So much scrappy goodness! Thanks for linking up with Oh Scrap!

  5. Love your quilt - fun to look at!

  6. Canned just a few tomatoes? Look at all of them! The quilt blocks look great!
