Sunday, August 27, 2017

Stash report Aug 27, 2017

I found some oldies but goodies at a street fair this week

 I just love the older fabric. And the colors will fit in anywhere in a quilt. The one on the left looks like a fabric Jen Kingwell would use in her quilts. I came of age quilting during the floral era, so I will always love them, but I am saving some of them for Bonnie Hunter's floribunda quilt

The sides of the wool bag have to be hand stitched with linen thread wrong sides together. I can only do this a little at a time or it hurts my hands. I do not want to have hurting hands sigh...
If i finish that today, I have the handles to hand stitch to the bag. so exciting....

Stash report

Fabric Used this Week 0 yards
Fabric Used year to Date: 303 1/2 yards

Fabric Added this Week:  3 yards
Fabric Added Year to Date: 266.5 yards

Net Fabric for 2017:  37 yards used more than added.

I am linking to:

Slow Sunday Stitching

Saturday, August 26, 2017

snow days in August

I need 4 -6 inch blocks for my snow days quilt. I am trying to keep them very low contrast with blues and browns and lots of creamy colors.
The 6 inch size uses flying geese that finish at 1 x 2. So cute....

1 1/2 inch squares for the sew and flip corners.

Now, I will need the same block in 9 inches.

I am the official gopher for the house painting project, My job is to sit and wait for the master painter to need something and get it for him. It saves him wear and tear of getting up and down on the ladder. Considering he fell off yesterday, I need to step up my game. He wasn't hurt, but scared us to death. While I am sitting, I have been trimming my string blocks for Dawns early light quilt. Sure, I could be weeding the flower beds, but then he would have to come save me when I can't get back up. And, besides, God is going to weed them come November. But who else is going to trim these blocks? It is really such lovely weather...  perfect for a little cream color for the rainbow scrap challenge for August.

I am linking to
 SewCan She
rsc17 super saturday

Friday, August 25, 2017

odds and ends

This week we have had 4 doctor visits. Nothing major, just time to check on a few things, but what a time sucker that has been. So, I have made a little progress each day on several projects.

The last of the green beans...

And a try at dill pickles... This year has been the best year for cucumbers. We have zillions of them. Don't you wonder why some years are better than other years for different veggies in the garden?

I made 12 saw tooth star blocks for civil war Christmas quilt

More box kite blocks - I can see the bottom of the box

more glitter blocks

I am linking to:
Finished or Not Fridays   
Whoop Whoop

Thursday, August 24, 2017

rug hooking

I have reached the edged of my rug hooked bag. It's time to start assembling the bag. I have not done this with rug hooking before, so it will be interesting.

Our group met this week and it was good to see everyone's progress. Jan has been working on a chair pad.
Beth is working on a wall hanging

Vivian is working on a vintage rug pattern

Mary is working on a celtic knots rug

Carmen took a class in shading at Sauder.

And I have a hen and rooster pot holder set I am hooking. And just like with my quilting, I am going scrappy and using what I have in the wool stash. I didn't want to start a big project until I am certain I will finish the bag ( at the top) but I can't do that at the guild meetings.

I am linking (links in the sidebar) to:
needle and thread thursdays
oh scrap

Wednesday, August 23, 2017

ufos progress is slow

I have all 100 9 patches ready for Carolina Crossroads, and I am ready to piece some of the blocks.

 I have a few more box kite blocks

And I started the purple row for the hourglass leader/ ender challenge.
I have made one more block for my snow days

midweek makers
Jo's Country Junction UFO
Bee Social
Silly Mama WIP

Tuesday, August 22, 2017

vintage quilt

I found this recently at a flea market. I love the simple nature of this quilt. It is hand pieced but someone has taken it and quilted it by longarm. They used a polyester batting and an old sheet for the backing. I wish they has used a better batting. But, since the hard decision has been made ( whether to finish an old top or not), I will bind it and it will get to be used as it was intended.

 The fabrics are fun, and I think I recognize some of them from my mother in laws scrappy quilts. Actually, if it had been machine pieced, I would have wondered if one of her tops had escaped into the wild. I know she had the green floral.

and the orange foods

And my hubby had a shirt made from the gear looking fabric as a youth.

I wish she and I had had years of quilt making together. I introduced her to quilting in the 70s before children. Then I had children and she made quilts. Now, I have time and she is gone. She left way too early.

I am linking to:
Free Motion by the River
to do tuesday
too cute tuesday

Monday, August 21, 2017

Friday quilt group

My friend Linda and I were discussing the closing of our local quilt shop (3 years ago already) and we realized that we both had a quilt kit in common that neither of us had started. We both had bought the same kit before we had even started sewing together. We picked a Friday and began the cutting together. I doubt very much that I would have gotten this cut out and ready to go with out the support of doing it together. Quilting friends are the best. Quilters are the best.

The pattern was a bit hard to follow. It was the kind that lists fabric by letter, and we had to keep referring to a chart to know which fabric was which. I think we did it. I hadn't brought any paper or labels so I had to improvise with paper towels from the restroom. lol

Other Friday group happenings:
Connie was cutting for a dresden plate quilt

Sue was working on wild and goosey paper piecing

Shellie was cutting for a scrappy calico quilt

Linda was binding a quilt

I made the center star for the civil war Christmas quilt

Our Friday group meets on Fridays at the public library. It is such a fun time for me. Every little bit moves us forward.

I am linking to:
Making Monday
main Crush Monday

Sunday, August 20, 2017

Stash report Aug 20, 2017

I found 10 fat quarters for 1.00 at a local flea market.

I found these as well. I love the yellow

I have another batch of glitter blocks finished. I am trying to use backgrounds that are just not cream or white. I struggle with that, but I know that is what I liked about the original quilt by Jen Kingwell.

Stash report

Fabric Used this Week 23 yards
Fabric Used year to Date: 303 1/2 yards

Fabric Added this Week:  11 yards
Fabric Added Year to Date: 263.5 yards

Net Fabric for 2017: 40 yards used more than added.

I am linking to:

Slow Sunday Stitching
sharing Sunday

Saturday, August 19, 2017

small world

For the rainbow scrap challenge, I have added the rest of the churndash blocks to the snow days quilt.

This is a "the world is a small place" post. I had been busy adding strings to phone book paper for a string quilt in my living room. True, it makes a mess, but I have gotten many blocks done by switching my thinking to String/crumb piecing on Saturdays and in my living room. I wasn't overly worried about the mess and what company would think, since we rarely have any living room company any more. And with age comes a certain lack of concern of what others think.
I use phone book paper for my foundation. It is so much easier to piece any kind of string, easier to rip off, and easier on the pocket book. Our phone book pages are getting smaller, so I am on the look out for bigger books for bigger pages. While visiting my daughter in Utah, I brought one of her phone books home with me. the pages were bigger and the book was thicker. It takes a long time to use up a phone book, but I am working on it.

Well, you guessed it. we had company. The missionaries from church arrived one evening. I knew right away, I loved one of the missionaries, as he was interested in everything and curious much like my own children. He wanted to know how the treadle worked, and what I was doing, and how I was doing it. He was from Utah, and the other Elder was from Idaho.

As he was closely examining the diamond blocks, he discovered that one of the blocks had the listing of his parents phone number on the back of the block. How incredible is that?! I had 80 blocks and he found near the top the one block with his parents name and number... in Indiana... at my house... in my messy living room...

How could we doubt that God knows each of us and is mindful of each of us and that we are all connected as part of His family. all of us...every single one of us...any color...any place....
I am so grateful.

I am linking to
 SewCan She

rsc17 super saturday

Friday, August 18, 2017

mystery solved

I had the quilting finished before we took off for Sauder rug hooking, so I worked on the binding in the car and motel. A finish. Old tobacco road is a free pattern at quiltville. Bonnie shared this pattern as a mystery quilt in 2008.  The wind last night makes picture taking a challenge. If I continue finishing her mystery quilts, I think Double delight is next. I am pretty sure, all it needs is a backing, binding and quilting.

I shared yesterday some pictures of rugs from the Sauder rug hooking week. We had a wonderful time getting away. Rug hooking is something that my husband and I can do together. As a matter of fact, this trip was for him to take a workshop with Donna Hrkman. I had bought this for him as a Christmas gift. Each year, the event posts the registration for the next year just before Christmas, I knew he would love this class and never do it for himself - gift giving solved. Last year, we had seen her work using the steam punk idea. This won people's choice.

This year Donna Hrkman won the sauder award with this beautiful wool rug - odd she is not in the picture.

 Her work is amazing

Jeff was making steam punkin and loved the class. I am thrilled with his work.

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Finished or Not Fridays   
Whoop Whoop