Saturday, August 12, 2017

light, low volume

I have added 6 churn dash blocks to this month's project - snow days

I have 2 -12 inch blocks and 6 - 9 inch blocks finished. I am trying to stay very light in the overall effect. Light is perfect for this month's rainbow scrap challenge.

I am also working on neutral string blocks for the future Bonnie Hunter pattern dawn's early light.
I have all the bigger blocks done which is just an estimate. and I am working on the little 3 1/2 inch squares, which are so cute.

 Joann fabrics had a 70% off coupon on batting by the yard. I bought a 15 yard roll of my favorite Hobbs 80/20 . Such a deal.
While I was there, I had a high school classmate say hi. She started talking about other classmates that still live here. I never see anybody from school. I must be living under a rock. As she tossed out names, I could remember them, but I wouldn't be able to list anyone I knew in school.That was many years ago, wow... many years.

For a little more color... more box kite blocks

I am linking to
 SewCan She

rsc17 super saturday


  1. Nice blue churn blocks. Are you making the whole quilt light blue?

  2. You've gotten a lot done this week! I like your low volume churn dashes!

  3. The box kites are coming along nicely . Keep up the good work!

  4. Nice string neutrals and I just love the softness of your churn dash blocks.

  5. You are making good use of your LIGHT NEUTRALS this month. Happy quilting!!

  6. Your low volume blocks look great! I love your box kite blocks too.

  7. Love the light churn dash blocks. What a great chance to get ahead on a future project with the strings.

  8. I never considered churn dash blocks in neutrals. It's one of my favorite block patterns, I wonder why it never occurred to me? I might have to go off and see what comes out of my neutral scraps now... ;-)

  9. I love the color scheme for your churn dash blocks. You are moving right along with all your projects. Happy stitching this week.
