Wednesday, August 8, 2018

dwr quilt along

Today is the new installment of Jo's country junction double wedding ring quilt along. I was following Jo's instructions and "assignment" from last week, and it just didn't look right. Good instructions wrong template. My template is set up a little differently. Why did I keep sewing when it was obvious it wasn't fitting? I was hoping there was some kind of magic in the curve. But, sigh, there was not.

I need 6 pieces for the arc and two more pieces for each end. Then the pieces fit and even stay flat. It helps to read the instructions that came with my template.

I was still concerned that I wasn't reading any of it right. But it will look right when I add the squares in the center. right?

My friend Linda is also doing this quilt along with me and us. She has all her pieces cut, all the arcs sewn and has started adding them to the melon. She is an overachiever.
She is using Jo's templates and it is smaller than mine.

I am really excited to be sewing along and so far it hasn't been bad....yet.

I am linking to:


midweek makers

Jo's Country Junction UFO
Bee Social
Silly Mama WIP

Oh Scrap


  1. Its funny when we know something isn't right, yet we continue on! And reading instructions really does help...although I can't do that right either! Great save and it'll be amazing!

  2. How frustrating! I feel your pain. So many pieces, so much time, but the end product will be wonderful. Just keep swimming, swimming, swimming. You will get there.

  3. Looking good so far. Good catch on your mistake before you got too far.
