Saturday, August 25, 2018

squared away orange

Trying to stay with just orange this month, I made choices for squared away block. Two of them, I liked but the small dot, and the slightly darker orange print, ummm no.


this is me sewing in the middle of my double wedding ring mess. Which is why I hadn't worked on the squared away blocks until the last minute.

 I didn't want to mess with my piles for the double wedding ring, but stuff was mixing up any way, so I did a bit of cleanup. And finally, we had blocks.

I am linking to

Oh Scrap


  1. Those are so pretty! I like how you organized your darker and lighter prints!

  2. Your blocks look great! Who hasn't pushed aside some other project to work on something else? :)

  3. Pretty blocks, the second combo with the dot fabric is beautiful!

  4. Your blocks turned out beautifully! I like all three of them.

  5. Those ORANGE blocks turned out great!!

  6. Great squared away blocks. Thanks for sharing with Oh Scrap!
