Monday, January 22, 2024

hexie quilt goal

As an extra quilting goal, I have decided to take my longtime hexie quilt, and, leave it out, until, it is done. Over the years, I have worked on it from time to time, and, then, it gets set aside for more pressing projects and life. I have 1 1 /2 sides to go, and, I think it is time to stick to it, until, it is finished. At this point, it needs to be spread out to work on the bits and pieces to even out the sides. It is big enough that it is cumbersome, and, I don't want to move it every time I add to the mother ship. I have been laying out pieces as I make them and adding them to each other as I can. It has been hard not to add each section right away to the quilt, but I don't want to move it every time.

It has been so long since I started this quilt, that, I can't perfectly match the fabrics. But, that was normal so long ago. And those quilters made do with whatever they had and so am I. 

It is a puzzle. I Can't just blissfully make stars and rosettes. I need to make odd shaped sections that will fill in what is missing.

This corner is done. and the right side and bottom is done. I have one side left to go. But there are big sections that will need work.

I am linking:


  1. Good for you to put this front and center!

  2. That's a big undertaking, but you are moving it along. Looking good even if you can't quite match the fabrics.

  3. When a lady in guild told me it took her over 10 years to finish her hexie quilt, I gave up on mine. Good luck with yours. It's looking great so far.

  4. Hi Maggie, I love your hexies quilt! Good luck with getting it finished :-)

  5. Maggie, the hexies are beautiful. You have much more patience than I!! Thanks for sharing with Monday Musings!

  6. This is a puzzle! You did an awesome job on that corner. Thanks for sharing on my weekly show and tell, Wednesday Wait Loss.
