Monday, January 15, 2024

gnome layer cake

I purchased a mystery layer cake during Chrsitmas sales. I was decidedly dissapointed. But, I accepted the challenge.

I found a simple layer cake pattern and began cutting and piecing. This was not part of any of my plans for the year, but, I guess I wanted a spontaneous project.

I cut 9 1/2 inch squares with half of the 10 inch squares. I cut the remaining  squares in half and sewed the halves for 4 patches. I still don't know if I will like this fabric. The pattern on you tube used busy fabrics, so, I thought it might still look good, too. But, this one is very very busy.

I am linking:


  1. Such adorable fabric! Isn't it fun to play with something new once in awhile?

  2. The fabrics may be busy, but the light, dark and medium tones do tone that down a bit. You see the intensity first, not the fabrics. Have fun with your spontaneous project.

    1. I agree Kate. I think the black background fabrics really create a pop and also provide a place for the eye to rest.

  3. That looks like a great quilt pattern to use when I want to make a quick top. Thanks for sharing.

  4. Looking good! It's a valentine's explosion of fun. This will be so cute when you get it done. Great way to turn your disappointment into something beautiful. Thanks for sharing on my weekly show and tell, Wednesday Wait Loss.
