Saturday, June 24, 2017

string piecing magic

Still working on the yellow scraps. I wanted nine yellow for the cutting garden quilt and the Rainbow scrap challenge.

Tu na  quilts asked if the string blocks magically make themselves, since she sees the beginning and the end of the process on my blog. :)  I thought I might try sharing how I make them. This time, I am trying to make straight pieces that will make a piano key type of border for my diamond string quilt.  I pull out a string and if it is bigger than 4 1/2 inches I sew them together. I am not using any foundation for this part. I am just laying right sides together and then pressing open.

This pile is a pile of triangles I am pulling out as I reach into the bag of strings and crumbs. When I am making string blocks that are diagonal on a square, the triangles are wonderful for finishing up the last bit of the edge.

I'm not sure why, but I have delegated my Singer treadle as the string/ crumb piecing machine. It sits in my living room and I can watch TV from the chair while I am treadling. And, generally, on Saturday evenings, my husband and I are tired and we watch tv together. This gives me something to do with my hands ( and feet). Thus, String Saturday. I have lots of wonderful projects for Tv time, but I wanted to devote a regular time to strings and crumbs.

I am not too concerned  about color or shape. I can straighten them up fairly easily when I decide what I will add next.
If I have several pieces together that will match up with another, I can put parts together too.  When I draw a string out of the bag, I look over the made pieces I have on the table, and find a place it will fit. The green piece below was the right size to go down the side of this piece. And the pieces were a batch of strings that were not wide enough for the border. I haven't decided if I will use only straight pieces or will like the look of different directions.

Here are just a few of the sets I have made before they all blew away.
 Ah, but, oh my, I have made a real mess. The idea was to clean up after every Saturday since it is the living room. but I keep just stopping a minute to add one more string and, well, the mess just keeps building.

I am linking to
 SewCan She

rsc17 super saturday


  1. Yellow blocks are lovely, and thank you for sharing your string method.

  2. Not a mess - creativity in progress. Great little strings and a perfect way to spend Saturday at the movies. Lots of lovely yellow buds sprouting in your garden.

  3. Oh, my!! Your living room looks like a scrap explosion!! That's OK, since you have all of those glorious String blocks to show for your efforts.

  4. Sewing with strings does make a mess! But ti was fun to hear about your process, and that's going to be a beautiful quilt!

  5. Love the yellow leaves, and all the strings too!

  6. I have seen several blogs about strings and crumbs lately. I've never used these methods before, but I am really anxious to try it out with my scraps. Thank you for the nice tutorial. Those yellow blocks look fantastic! --Andrea

  7. You've made me feel like I need to get into my strings and crumbs!

  8. I like your piano keys and the idea of adding on wherever one fits best. It must go pretty fast unless, like me, you spend too much time deciding where to put them. Keep up the good work!

  9. Your yellow Cutting Garden blocks turned out beautifully. Lots of scraps going into the string blocks.
