Tuesday, May 12, 2020

to do to plant

We ventured out to a rural greenhouse last week to get plants for the garden. It was a really enjoyable chance to to stretch our legs and get a little Spring in our step. The sack contains asparagus starts and the rest were tomatoes and peppers. It is still feels too cold to plant them, here, but, it is supposed to get warm later this week.

We start a few plants ourselves, but, we have best of luck with purchased starts.

How did the week go?

Last week's to do:
1. cut unity mystery clue 2 - done

2. cut old world mystery 5 - done

3. mow - done
4. cut shirt scraps - done

next week's to do:
1. finish a snowman for my rug
2. mow again
3. plant flowers
4. cut unity 3
5. cut old world 6
6. quilt birch trees

I am linking to:


  1. I've had plants in pots on the porch and some seem so stunted this weather with up and down cold spells have not helped them one bit! I have two pots of cucumber plants and they are so slow it is pitiful - it is supposed to go back to warm weather tomorrow - I wonder if it will stay that way and the plants can take off growing - we will find out!

  2. Nice completions. Love to see others gardening! (I got my large asparagus patch started many years ago and we now always end up with more than we can eat. They've multiplied and re-seeded so much!)

  3. Hi,
    Love the colors in your mystery quilts...very pretty. It has been cold here too. We had to bring in our tomato plants...we had a freeze and frost warning all in the same week. Have a great day!

  4. Hi Maggie! I think I'm going to have to pick up asparagus to start again as mine didn't come up this year. Nada. Nothing. I thought they were pretty hardy and have been established for around five years. Odd. We have been having cold weather - 30s and a hard frost last weekend - so it's too early for our plants. I am looking forward to getting some tomatoes and flowers! Soon. Thanks for linking up this week. ~smile~ Roseanne

  5. I would sure like to get my garden plants, too, but I've been hearing our garden centers are mobbed right now. That doesn't feel safe to me! Looks like you're making progress on all of your projects!

  6. Looking at your piles of units gives me the urge to just sit down and sew something. I don't really have anything I can just slip onto sewing right now and should stay focussed, so I won't. But I feel motivated nonetheless. Thanks for sharing at the Chameleon's Colour & Inspiration Party.
