Monday, May 25, 2020

unicorn quilt goal

I have seen some great humor come out of the pandemic. It helps to laugh.

One of my one monthly goals for May, was to make headway on the unicorn quilt. I have not wanted to work on this at all. I don't have a pattern and have already demonstrated my lack of math skills in figuring the piecing. I measure, and measure, and calculate, and cut, what I need. And... it doesn't fit.
I have most of the blocks done I think. I am using a layer cake and a panel. I am using a background white from my stash.

I framed the panel with a lavender from my stash, and it was not the size I needed for the blocks for the sides. On to plan B for this quilt.

I have started putting some blocks together and they are as cute as I wanted. I will just have to use spacers of some kind.

I have made progress, and, I am not giving up. It is time for this to be finished.

I am linking:


  1. I feel your math pain. I tend to draw my quilts out on graph paper when I'm trying to put together a "unique" quilt. I use the finished measurements so I don't screw up the math when I have to account for the 1/4" seams. I must say what you've got so far is really cute. Just keep telling yourself that whatever is done to fit it all together -- it's a design choice. Because in the end it will be an even more interesting quilt because of your issues. Keep at it!

  2. Very cute! Thanks for linking up with Elm Street Quilts One Monthly Goal and congrats on your finish.

  3. You made some good progress. I'm so thankful for EQ when making borders for panels. It helps a lot with the math.
