Sunday, May 31, 2020

stash report May 31, 2020

I added this beautiful fat quarter bundle to my stash with a 60% off coupon at bluprint. I thought the colors were rich, and, I always like florals. I don't have a plan for it. I just wanted to pet it.

Stash report  2020

Fabric Used this month: 25 yards
Fabric Used year to Date: 149.25 yards

Fabric Added this month: 5  yards  
Fabric Added Year to Date: 74.75 yards
net fabric: 74.5 yards used more than bought

I sewed at least 15 minutes per day - usually in the mornings

I have another snowman asking to be hooked for my rug hooking project. I am getting very close to having all the snowman hooked. I like using slow Sunday stitching to make sure I work on this long standing project. Our rug hooking group hasn't met since March.

I am linking to:

15 min to stitch at life in pieces


  1. My groups aren't meeting in person either. Pretty fabrics.

  2. I love your new fabric--it is so "pet-able"!

  3. I don't blame you getting the fabric because you want it - I do that all the time! I have an order coming as well

  4. Your new floral fabrics are beautiful; such rich colours. Fabrics call to us, don't they, and we just have to take them home with us. Your snowman is sweet; love his cute little nose.

  5. Nobody can resist when a beautiful fat quarter bundle is showing ;))
    Thank you for sharing at Patchwork & Quilts link party.

  6. Beautiful fabric bundle. You have to refresh the stash here and there. Hope you got in some good run hooking time yesterday.
