Thursday, May 28, 2020

a clean table

To the left of my sewing machine, I have a nice space, planned for holding a quilt while binding and other work on large quilts. Unfortunately, it is always a great spot for shoving other parts and pieces. I want to do a binding, so it's cleaning time. If I don't, everything will end up on the floor. I am also curious about what has taken up residence.

I found a tray of triangles. I can put those away.

There has to be scrappies - always scraps to be dealt with in any pile. I am trying to use a central bucket to collect them, but, there are renegades.

I found more circa 1880 patches from a swap partner, that came late after I had put them all in a project box for later. Time to make the effort to put these with them.

I am making Bonnie Hunter's blossom blocks when I can fit them in, but, I haven't made an official drawer for them. Time to do that.
I ordered this book for a reason, I can't remember which one I was interested in making, Looking through the book was no help, I like them all. Enough time has passed, I need to just put the book away on the bookshelf with it's friends.

Now, it's finally time to bind.

I am linking to:
Oh scrap


  1. I feel you on the messing table tops! I just did a bit of pick up last night, but could do a lot more to get things back in place. My issues is also scraps, where to store them what to do with them!
