Saturday, May 23, 2020

row x row in green

My favorite kind of green. The poppies came with the house 30 years ago, and they bring joy every year. We used to call the purple flower sweet william, but, we found out we were wrong, but, now, I can't remember the real name. They pop up wherever they want and smell so good.

The row x row quilt doesn't call for dark green, but, there are two rows of lime green. I did the first row in January. I decided to do the second row this month to move it along.

I like to sew it with the square piece on top. I pin the center and the end, but, I don't pin the beginning, since, I get it right under the needle.

The pattern calls for green circles and white background, but when I cut them in January, I cut the white and the green on all of the die cut pieces. so it gave me the opposite for this row.

My rainbow projects for 2020 with links:
 Irish chain
row by row
scraptastic star
country road

I am linking to:

rsc20 super saturday
oh scrap


  1. Pretty flowers! I like those circle blocks - looks like you are really good at sewing curves!

  2. Your garden poppies and purple phlox look lovely. Great job on working through some scraps for your RSC blocks, Maggie!

  3. Hi,
    I love your garden, so pretty. Your dot blocks are lovely. Have a great day!

  4. Curves! I just attempted my first hand pieced curves last week. Someday... the drunkard path blocks like yours. Very pretty in lime and white... makes me think of a margarita!

  5. Your garden looks great!! I actually love green a lot and seeing your row of white and green made me green with envy! hahaha

  6. Lovely circle blocks! I’m looking forward to seeing this one come to completion!

  7. Your garden is lovely and so is your curved piecing! I cut out a bunch of clam shells about a year ago (shame!!) and haven't started piecing them yet because my mind gets all foggy when I try to remember how to start them. All the tutorials online seem to be for the "cheater" method of appliqueing the clam shells to a background fabric, but I really want to piece mine, if I can just figure out where to start!

  8. Your circles look great and that garden shot is gorgeous. Love the poppies! A lot of the early bloomers here have bloomed & faded. This morning I noticed I have my first black-eyed susie. Summer has officially begun! Lol!
