Wednesday, March 18, 2020

what I'm working on today

What I'm working on is catching up on some customer quilts. They have waited far too long. Hubby is sleeping in the chair and the quilts are calling me.

I love scrappy quilters - they leave happy surprises in the quilt which makes me smile.

I am linking:


  1. Ha Ha! You are getting your daily servings of fruit there. :)

  2. Those are happy surprises indeed!

  3. I'm with you - the more fabrics in a quilt, the better!

  4. Hi, Maggie! Your comment that your hubby is sleeping in the chair while the quilts are calling you reminded me of an older APQS ad -- remember the one where the husband is asleep on the couch and giant squares have been cut out of his shirt, giant squares that have been sewn into the quilt that the ladies are quilting on the longarm? Hopefully you have none of THOSE kinds of scrappy surprises in this customer quilt! I agree; it's neat to discover watermelons and oranges up close that you don't notice from a distance.
