Tuesday, March 17, 2020

more triangles to do

Just as I was running out of triangles for shoofly, I found this cute little gifted pack of triangles.

I sewed and sewed ...

And then I started trimming to 1 1/2 inch.

Last week's to do:
1. go home from the hospital - done
2. rainbow row by row in teal - some progress
3. border pieces for frolic mystery quilt - some progress

Dare I even hope to get something done next week? Staying home is my normal, so it doesn't seem like a burden yet. Jeff was supposed to stay in for 2 weeks anyway.

next week's to do:
1. quilt Linda's quilt
2. take Jeff to 2 week post op appointment
3. teal row x row
4. border pieces frolic mystery quilt

I am linking to:
to do tuesday


  1. All those colorful little HSTs will be fun to play with! Glad you got your hubby home from the hospital, too.

  2. Hi Maggie! Ooooh, that first shot of the pretty fabrics . . . lead to those gorgeous HSTs. And only 1.5"?!! What a fun project. Thanks so much for linking up today. Glad the hospital visit is behind you with just a post-op visit coming up. ~smile~ Roseanne

  3. I am beginning to imagine you have tons of hidey-holes with all kinds of scrap bags squirreled away. LOL!
