Friday, March 27, 2020

blossom time

I find it difficult to blog these days. Not because I don't have the time, but, because there is nothing remotely interesting to share. I have a project shelf loaded with ufos, And way too much fabric to ever use in a lifetime. But, I am fiddling with cutting little pieces of scrap fabrics into useable pieces, a handful at a time. These are a few blocks that are the results of that. These are blossom time from Bonnie Hunter and quiltmaker.

We are spending too much time watching TV. We found mentalist on prime and have been watching it. I half heartedly clean... barely. I am really loving an afternoon nap. Hubby is doing better and Spring is his favorite time so we can enjoy walks in our yard.

I'm linking to:


  1. I think a lot of us are finding it hard to concentrate with all that is going on in the world. Too much news but yet we want to know what is going on around us. I start something then sit down and go take a walk around the yard then sit on the porch and stare off into space listening to the birds, then pick up the knitting or walk back into the house - our sewing rooms are stacked full of things to make and we aren't the least interested at the moment

  2. It's a great block, and worthy of the time you're spending making it! You'll be happy with the springy, floral-y quilt you finally end up with :)

  3. Sometimes getting organized and getting fabric prepped is just what you need to do! Take care

  4. Your little flowers are very pretty and cheerful. I hear what you say - I have loads of fabric too but I always go to my scrap bin when I need a piece. I also spend way too much time saving that 2" piece instead of using up the fat quarters I have. Sometime frustrating, sometimes it's a joy!

  5. These are such beautiful blocks and a great way to celebrate the fact spring is on its way for you. We are in the midst of autumn, which is my favorite time of year, but I dont want to sew those colours! Thanks for the inspiration, I had already purchased this epattern weeks ago, but think the time is right to make some blocks to get some cheerful colour into daily life.

  6. We live in a very scary world today. We can let it cripple us or we can enjoy what we have and hope we all come out the other side with few scars. I am trying to enjoy life more and turn off the tv. The numbers going up are just depressing. We listen once a day for updates. If none, we turn it off. I have been watching I love Lucy and the carol Burnett show on my phone. A little comedy to help keep my mind healthy in corona times. Take care and stay safe

  7. Your blossom time blocks are so cheerful, just full of scrappy goodness. I'm so glad your husband is feeling better. Take care of yourself, we're going to get through this.

  8. I think we are all in the same boat right now. I'm glad people are continuing to blog just so we can all connect! Your scraps are making beautiful tulips. I'm still waiting for the ones in my garden to bloom.

  9. Love your blossom blocks. I had problems blogging the first week we started social distancing. I just couldn't figure out how to start a post.

  10. Oh joy! Such happy blocks! I was just outside walking through the gardens and it's blossom time for real!
