Tuesday, March 10, 2020

to do

My hubby had surgery yesterday on his back. The surgery went well, but, he has had a few issues with his blood pressure and has made pain medications wonky.

His surgery was about 6 hours.
I had a waiting room all to myself.

I spent my time tracing bunnies for an Easter quilt.

I started to knit a scarf using yarn I spun myself.

Last week's to do:
1. bind sand castles - done
2. put Linda's quilt on the longarm - done
3. blog one monthly goal - done
4. make materials list for March workshop - done

next week's to do:
1. go home from the hospital
2. rainbow row by row in teal
3. border pieces for frolic mystery quilt

I am linking to:
to do tuesday


  1. I'm glad your hubby's surgery went well - kind of nice to have the waiting room to yourself I think or a big space in between people - sometimes you just don't want to a lot of conversations and whatever with strangers when you wait. Hope he recovers soon and he can be home.

  2. I hope your husband's recovery goes smoothly! I remember those long, lonely hours in the waiting room during my husband's open heart surgery. I brought hand stitching along but had trouble concentrating enough to get any stitching done. Your hand spun yarn is gorgeous!

  3. Hi Maggie! I'm glad to hear your husband's surgery went well. Now to get you both home and him on the path for recovery. {{Hugs}}. That's very cool that you are using yarn you spun yourself! I am thinking on an Easter topper myself. Thanks for linking up this week. ~smile~ Roseanne

  4. i'm glad surgery went well, and i hope the recovery goes equally as well! (for both of you!) good thing you had stuff to keep your hands busy in such a long wait...
    i'd LOVE to share my box of 3" squares with you! just let me know your mailing address, and i'll get it on the way to you in the next few days.

  5. Glad to hear it went well. Had a rough back surgery of my own--that first week is so VERY hard with pretty intense pain, esp that first moment when standing (when the "standing" weight hits). Prayers he gets thru it well and for strength for both of you. I do feel for him! I'm pretty tough but I did have a "breaking" moment about day 6; not long after that, things got better. My hubs was such a great help, as I'm sure you are!

  6. Prayers for recovery!! Ohh, the bunny quilt looks like it will be a cute one!
