Friday, January 31, 2020

sand castle top

I have sewn the last seam on the sand castle quilt.

And, now, it is a top.

The pattern for sand castles is from quiltville and does not call for borders. So, I don't think I will add them either.
It is 82 x 82 right now. I am planning on continuing on this one, until it is finished, instead of just adding it to the list of tops that need quilted.

I am linking to:


  1. That is wonderful, Maggie! The colorful 4 patch sections are so fun in between the low volume strings!

  2. it looks great! I think this is the first time I saw it all out like this

  3. Wow, is it my imagination or did this go quick? Seems like you just started it. So pretty

  4. Fantastic! Someday I'll make this one. Working on Bonnie's Frolic right now.

  5. The colors really pop around those cream centers. It's going to be a beauty!

  6. Gosh that is amazing!! Thanks so much for linking to Finished ( or not) finished Friday - I love to see your quilts!

  7. Beautiful! Thanks for sharing with Oh Scrap!

  8. Oh, it's gorgeous. I can see why you would want to get it quilted right away instead of linger in a pile.

  9. Oh my word! I am in love with this beauty!
