Friday, January 17, 2020


Today is a sleep in your own bed retreat here in town. We have a great place to hold the retreat, and, it will be a fundraiser for student scholarships. We each will have a table and are pitching in a soup for food. I am excited to be going, and will have time with my quilting friends.
My theory is that it is a bonus sewing time and I don't plan to work on anything that I have as part of my goals. So, I have reached deep into the ufo closet to find today's  projects.
The first project I am taking is a set of blocks that we bought from My husband's Aunt estate. Each block is appliqued and embroidered with  names from an exchange.  I want to make a top that will honor their work.

I had started this little quilt a few years ago, and, I have the blocks done and one row together.

I also plan on working on the 1/4 cabin blocks I shared here.
I am thinking, that, if it is not enough, I will be home tomorrow evening, and can gather more projects. And if it too much, it is a bonus whatever I get done.

I am linking to: