Monday, January 13, 2020


I cut all the HSTS for frolic mystery quilt. I planned on taking them with me to Friday group. I didn't work on them at all.

This is how I spent my time instead. I was ready to lay all the blocks out and start webbing the rows. My back was very tired after, all this design floor business. I still had some rearranging to do. But, in the end, I had the rows all labeled and stacked, so that, I can just run it through the sewing machine.

It is time to plan for the first quarter of 2020 finish along. Anything I have plans to start, I don't think I will be ready to finish, yet. So, I have mainly planned on finishing the quilts in the nearly done category.

1. sister's nine patch
2. sand castles
3. lucy's baskets
4. frolic
5. sweet land of liberty
6.woven checkerboard
7. Jamestown landing
8. 1/2 square xmas
9.end of rainbow
10. wonky courthouse
11. sparkle punch

I am linking:
