Wednesday, January 15, 2020

scrap bag blocks

I found another scrap bag, during a new year push to clean the sewing area. It was a wonderful assortment of brights. I decided to start right away with an improv block that I liked on the internet. It was green and the rainbow color for January is green. I was hoping to use the scraps until they were gone, but it might take longer than I thought.

I am using a charm pack for the center. I have just cut willy nilly to create the strings. I am aiming for at least an 8 inch square.

It's a fun sort of way to make the block. I have no idea how many blocks I will be able to make, but I will worry about that when I get there. These are not trimmed, yet, or pressed.

I am linking:
midweek makers - I'm featured this week


  1. That's a fun block! I like the white centers with the strings you're using.

  2. These fabrics are so bright and cheery . . . a great thing to be working on while the skies are grey and cold outside :) It's going to be so pretty. Looking forward to seeing how you are going to join your blocks.
    Happy Quilting!

  3. Have fun working your way through that bag of cheerful scraps!!

  4. Wonderful way to put those scraps to good use. Thanks for sharing with Oh Scrap!

  5. I've discovered that scraps can go a long way, making more quilts than you think possible - good luck with yours!
