Wednesday, October 11, 2017

more cheddar blocks

Most of the blocks I am making I found on the barrister's block. or Quiltville
More about how I am doing the cheddar sampler can be found here. and here.
 Papa's birds
 dutchman's puzzle
I have half of the blocks made that I want to get done for the sampler. So far they have not been beyond my capabilities.

We are off to big rug hooking retreat where if nothing else, I will start 2 new projects, and I am very excited.
I prepped these Marie Webster blocks to have something to do in the car.

I am linking to:


midweek makers

Jo's Country Junction UFO
Bee Social
Silly Mama WIP


  1. Love scrolling to see each new color combo with cheddar - they are all pretty!

  2. Hi Maggie,
    So you are making your own sampler? I love that! I am leaning towards doing that for a quilt for myself. Just pick blocks that I like and obviously fabrics I love. I love the cheddar fabric - it's very fun and a fabulous way to tie all the blocks together! ~smile~ Roseanne

  3. lovely progress...
    thanks so much for linking up!

  4. I love the colours in Papa's birds. Your travelling sewing looks like it will be a beautiful project to work on. Thanks for linking to Sew, Stitch, Snap, SHARE.

  5. Wow, I just love cheddar colored fabric and you are inspiring me to get busy with that color. Love your blocks. nice to link up from the linky party.

  6. Your cheddar blocks are looking great. Enjoy your rug hooking weekend. Sounds like lots of fun.
