Saturday, March 2, 2024

still more red

The new color for March has not been announced for me to prepare anything, which is fine, I barely finished the reds I needed for February and the rainbow scrap challenge.

I finished the red blocks for baby 30s quilt,

 and traffic jam

and monkey wrench


  1. You finished lots of red blocks for February. I'm excited to play with purple this month.

  2. Great job now bring out those purple bins! Have a great weekend.

  3. That monkey wrench design is amazing. I love your colors!1

  4. Traffic Jam is a new block to me. Love how that uses up both large scraps from the color of the month and any small stragglers from other colors. Good for you for finishing up your red blocks.

  5. Love your blocks! What a fun variety of reds you have. Thanks for sharing on my weekly show and tell, Wednesday Wait Loss.
