Saturday, March 9, 2024

purple start for march

March is purple for the rainbow scrap challenge. My 2 1/2 inch strip drawer is not very full compared to the red and green we have already used this year. My goal for red and green was to reduce the strips by half, and I did that. This month I may have to find any purple scraps in hiding and cut them to fill the chunks and strip bins.

I cut for windmills, checkers, stashbuster 24, and traffic jam. I pulled the shorter strips for monkey wrench hsts. There is no purple for the baby 30s quilt. And I still have to find some form of purple in my applique for across the wide missourri quilt. 

I made a row of jos checkers

and 2 traffic jam blocks


  1. You've got a lot on the go, plenty of projects to keep you busy.

  2. You've found some pretty purples to work with this month. Very fun blocks.

  3. You've found some pretty purples for your blocks! Love the variety of blocks you are doing for RSC. Thanks for sharing on my weekly show and tell, Wednesday Wait Loss.
