Saturday, October 7, 2023

hollow nine center

 I have the hollow nine blocks top finished. I did add the top and bottom sashings, but, no photo. I want to applique borders. I am not sure how big I will need for the border. I am thinking 10 inches, maybe, in white. This is my RSC project for this year. Each month, I have made 3 in each color as it was picked. I have all 25 done. I started with a scrap box of 3 1/2 inch squares. The box was labeled, so, I count this as a ufo.

last week's mini churndash. One a day plus 1 for good measure, - so much fun

finish at 3 inches


  1. Congrats on getting that colorful quilt top together, Maggie!

  2. Love your hollow 9s top - those rainbow cornerstones are perfect to connect the blocks all together!

  3. Your nine patch blocks are lovely, and an appliqued border will finish the top nicely.

  4. Love the hollow nines—and the churn dash, too, but I can’t wait to see the appliqué border with the nine-patches.

  5. The rainbow hollow nines are delicious! I like the churn dashes, too. Such fun.

  6. What a great idea to add applique to that sunny, bright Hollow Nine! Can't wait to see it--it's going to be beautiful! Thanks for sharing on my weekly show and tell, Wednesday Wait Loss.
