Saturday, October 28, 2023

lucky star blocks done

I have all the blocks sashed for my lucky star quilt. I have an open sew today, and I might be able to get the rows ready to go. Distributing the colors will be a challenge I am sure. I made the star blocks as part of the rainbow scrap challenge this year.

I know my quilting buddy is planning on arranging her top at the open sew today, too. It should be time for giggles and grins.

I am linking to:


  1. That's going to be a happy quilt! I love the bright sashing around the stars.

  2. Those are definitely happy blocks! Should be fun to play with up on the design wall.

  3. Those are such pretty blocks!! I really love how you used bright larger prints for those sashings. Great idea!!

  4. Love these, can't wait to see how you arrange them.

  5. Love how you've used Kaffe fabrics in this. It's going to be so pretty! Thanks for sharing on my weekly show and tell, Wednesday Wait Loss.
