last report July 19,2023
I try to work on these 5 quilts until they are done. Their turn in the UFO closet is over, and, they need to be finished one way or another.
There has been some rotation of projects as I have finally finished a few. I look forward to new Ufos that have come out to play with me.
1. wensleydale a jen kingwell pattern - twosies have turned into foursies. I have not taken this quilt out to social sewing. I feel it requires more focus. But, it takes longer.
2. Block of the month UFO Saturday soire. This an older UFO from 2013. After, I had it on the frame for quilting, I decided I wasn't happy with some of the points, and, I would need to redo a few. I took it off and started ripping and sewing. It is on the frame, again, and I have started quilting.
Finished I am much happier with how it turned out after resewing several spots.
3. plaid kaliedescope - I have cut many, many wedges. I have sorted for some block combos, but, I am not nearly as close to a cutting finish as I thought I was.
more shirts for a variety. |
4. rectangle wrangle quilt.-all the blocks are finished for the center. I need to make ohio stars for the border.
5. girlie garden from the needs quilting list. is finished
new # 4. uneven 9 patch leftovers
new # 5 spoolin around leader ender challenge 2013
MY next on the longarm of my own quilts in the 'to be quilted' closet.
1. hand me down - back made, on the frame
2. triple irish chain - found,
3. Lucille star flimsy -find
4. fair and square- back, binding prepared
new # 5 old world mystery - twins